Stock Tools
Disc 2
Market Analyzer for Windows - 1.2R |
A tool for creating and maintaining historical stock quote files, and viewing and analyzing the resulting historical data. It is capable of tracking thousands of daily stock or futures quotes with very reasonable daily download times. MAWIN comes with several web page quote lists along with configuration files enabling downloading of about 600(or more) stock quotes per day, with a virtually unlimited time span and number of stocks. Will display and print output in graphical high/low/close or textual form, and provides analysis including Simple Moving Average (SMA) and Polynomial and Fourier Fit. Now handles Futures and Options as well as Stocks, and includes many pre-configured world wide sites. Will add sites on request. |
Netstock - 1.43 |
Netstock is a simple little stock and mutual fund internet quote retrieval program. Netstock can also format its information for export to reports. |
Option Insight - Beta 4 |
Option Insight is a free stock program that allows the user to download index's and stock quotes from the Internet. It will then so you possible combinations of options such as maximum loss, maximum gain, and other relivent ratio options for each potential trade. |
Personal Stock Monitor - 3.0.9 |
Designed to make simple the routine and time-consuming problems of tracking stocks. Offers many of the best features as found in the competitors. All quotes are brought to you (usually 10-15 minute time delay) right to your desktop in an easy to read environment. |
Quote Grabber - 2.0 Beta 7 |
Pure JAVA stock quote tracking utility. Excellent portfolio management, options galore, very well put together. Can also be included in a web page. Drag and drop, multiple alert types with extensive configuration, this one is loaded with all the best and works on any platform that runs the JRE. |
Quote Ticker Bar - 5.11 |
A great program that delivers time delayed stock quotes. Similar to the official ticker bar's of the market. Very cool. |
Medved QuoteTracker - 1.1.8c |
A program that allows you to manage and track your stock portfolios using various real-time or delayed web sites that supply stock quotes. Intraday charts as well historical charts are also available. |
QuoteJava - 2.1.1 |
QuoteJava retrieves quotes for single or multiple stocks and displays them in a neatly displayed format. It also allows you to save stock profiles for an easier time looking them up. |
Single Stock - |
A powerful stock analyzing system, specially designed for private investors. It lets you trace realtime stock quotes, read realtime news, and watch charts. It supports multiple portfolios and has a built-in stock locater. |
Tickerpage - 2.0.0023 |
A very versatile application that allows you to send stock quotes, news, and e-mail from the Internet directly to your pager. Set up the quotes you wish to view at what time, volume, price and percent change. Supports alphanumeric, digital, and SMTP paging systems. |
Wall Street Messenger - 1.2 |
Wall Street Messenger will help you keep track of news events and stock prices for major corporations by using a technique called Historical Events Analysis which will help you in predicting stock price movement. |